About us!

Hi there!! My name is Gracie and I am the daughter of this duo! I am 21 years old and am pursuing a degree in Media Strategies at Texas Tech University. I am also an active Texas Gamma Pi Phi!! I am a girls girl who loves Jesus, shopping, and spending quality time with my people. I have worked in retail for over 2 years now and have learned so much about myself and what I want to do in life. Starting an online store was always something I pondered, but didn't take any serious thought of until a few months back. I brought the idea up to my mom one night and next thing you know we are applying for business licenses and sales permits!
My favorite thing about retail is connecting with people and helping them find pieces that bring out their confidence. Nothing brings me more joy than watching someone completely light up when seeing their new items on simply because they feel beautiful. Such a simple yet amazing thing. Our hope and prayer for Love, Lulu is that we can be a small piece of the puzzle that helps you look into the mirror and see your unique light you bring to this world!!
Love, Lulu (that's me, haha!)

Hello!! My name is Paige and I am a 49 year old mother of two who was lucky enough to marry my high school sweetheart. I attended Texas Tech University to become an Occupational therapist which I have been for the last 20 years! Helping people has always been in my nature. When Gracie approached me about starting an online store, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to support her in it. You see I am just like many other young women who struggle with being self conscious, uncomfortable in my own skin, and always worrying what other people may be thinking when they look at me. So when Love, Lulu was created, it was built from the desire to make sure each of you feels beautiful and confident in their new clothing choice, but more importantly that you know how beautiful you are despite this new item in your closet. It is our heartfelt desire that you would look in the mirror in your new outfit and see in yourself all the wonderful things God sees in you! YOU were made in his image and that makes you one amazingly radiant woman! We are so thankful for your time in visiting our site and humbled by your support of our little store! May you be blessed beyond measure today!
The meaning behind the name!
I knew when we decided to go through with starting an online store that I didn't want the name to be anything with our names in it, too complicated, or cheesy. I wanted something simple, easy to remember, and senitmental to my mom and I since we are embarking on this journey together. "Gracie Lulu" or just "Lulu" is a nickname my momma gave me as a child. It stuck so much that some of my parents friends still call me that to this day and I was deemed "Aunt Lulu" by my family once my nephew came along. I even sign letters to family "Love, Lulu" sometimes. Thinking of all this I thought.. hmm.. that sounds pretty simple, easy to remember, and it's definitely sentimental. I brought the idea up to my mom and we both cried sappy tears and knew it was perfect.
And so it was: Love, Lulu established 2023!!